Difference between revisions of "The Siege Of Marcaul"

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{{Infobox Quest
|title=The Siege of Marcaul
{{!}} colspan="2" style="text-align:right;"{{!}}[[Marcaul]]
|title_es=El asedio de Marcaul
|title_fr=Le siège de Marcaul
{{!}} colspan="2" style="text-align:top;" {{!}}<p>Beyond the wreckage of shattered battlements and Typhon's encroaching forces lies civilization.</p>
|title_it=L'Assedio di Marcaul
|title_de=Belagerung von Marcaul
|title_ru=Осада Маркаула
*Make your way past Marcaul's gates, any way you can.
|text=Beyond the wreckage of shattered battlements and Typhon's encroaching forces lies civilization.
|text_es=Hay civilización más allá de los restos de asentamientos destrozados y del avance de las tropas de Typhon.
|text_fr=Il existe une civilisation derrière les remparts en ruine et les armées en marche de Typhon. Frayez-vous un chemin jusque-là comme vous le pourrez.
|text_it=Oltre la devastazione di bastioni in frantumi e le forze soverchianti di Typhon si trova la civiltà. Fatti strada per raggiungerla in ogni modo possibile.
|text_de=Jenseits der zertrümmerten Zinnen und hinter Typhons Streitkräften wartet die Zivilisation. Bahne dir einen Weg dorthin.
|text_ru=За полуразрушенными укреплениями и силами Тифона лежит оплот цивилизации. Пробейтесь туда любым возможным способом.
|objectives=<p class="ua_objective">Make your way past Marcaul's gates, any way you can.</p>
|objectives_es=<p class="ua_objective">Atraviesa las puertas de Marcaul sea como sea.</p>
|objectives_fr=<p class="ua_objective">Franchissez les portes de Marcaul comme bon vous semble.</p>
|objectives_it=<p class="ua_objective">Fatti strada e supera i portali di Marcaul, in ogni modo possibile.</p>
|objectives_de=<p class="ua_objective">Ebne dir mit allen Mitteln den Weg durch die Tore von Marcaul.</p>
|objectives_ch=<p class="ua_objective">用尽一切方法穿过马考尔的大门。</p>
|objectives_ru=<p class="ua_objective">Проберитесь в ворота Маркаула любым возможным способом.</p>
|objectives_jp=<p class="ua_objective">どんな手を使ってでも、マルサウルの門を通り抜けよう。</p>
|previous=Find Civilization
|next=Prepare For Descent
|Label=Next Quest
|Value=[[Prepare for Descent]]
After passing through the portal from [[Pluto's Gate]] to [[Marcaul]], you will begin this quest.
After passing through the portal from [[Pluto's Gate]] to [[Marcaul]], you will begin this quest.

Latest revision as of 09:11, 10 April 2019

The Siege of Marcaul
Beyond the wreckage of shattered battlements and Typhon's encroaching forces lies civilization.

Make your way past Marcaul's gates, any way you can.

< Find Civilization Prepare for Descent >

After passing through the portal from Pluto's Gate to Marcaul, you will begin this quest.