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{{Infobox Quest
|title=Find Civilization
{{!}} colspan="2" style="text-align:right;"{{!}}[[Pluto's Gate]]
|title_es=Encuentra civilización
|title_fr=Trouvez la civilisation
{{!}} colspan="2" style="text-align:top;" {{!}}<p>You awoke in The Stygian Abyss, a liminal region on the borders of The Underworld and decaying prison of the primordial nightmare Typhon.</p><p>The mysterious spirit Cabirus beckons you forward, through the perils of Pluto's Gate, toward an uncertain future.</p>
|title_it=Trova la Civilizzazione
|title_de=Suche nach Zivilisation
|title_ru=Найдите цивилизацию
*Follow the ghost Cabirus forward.
|scene=Pluto's Gate
*Find and enter the Portal leading to Marcaul.
|text=You awake in The Stygian Abyss, a liminal region on the borders of The Underworld and decaying prison of the primordial nightmare Typhon. <br><br>The mysterious spirit Cabirus beckons you forward, through the perils of Pluto's Gate, toward an uncertain future.
|text_es=Te despiertas en el Abismo Estigio, una región de transición entre las fronteras del Inframundo y la prisión putrefacta de Typhon, la pesadilla primigenia.<br> <br> El misterioso espíritu Cabirus te pide que avances, que atravieses los peligros de la Puerta de Plutón hacia un futuro incierto.
|text_fr=Vous vous éveillez dans l'Abysse stygien, une zone liminaire située aux confins des Enfers qui constitue une prison pour Typhon, le cauchemar primordial. <br> <br> Le mystérieux esprit Cabirus vous pousse de l'avant... vers les périls de la Porte de Pluton... et un avenir bien incertain.
|text_it=Ti risvegli nell'Abisso Stigeo, una regione liminale ai confini del Mondo sotterraneo e prigione fatiscente dell'incubo primordiale, Typhon. <br> <br> Il misterioso spirito Cabirus ti fa cenno di avanzare... attraverso i pericoli della Porta di Plutone... attraverso un futuro incerto.
|text_de=Du erwachst im Stygischen Abgrund, einem Grenzgebiet der Unterwelt, das als verfallendes Gefängnis des urzeitlichen Albtraums Typhon dient.<br> <br> Der rätselhafte Geist Cabirus winkt dich herbei. Durch die Gefahren von Plutos Tor sollst du dich in eine ungewisse Zukunft wagen.
|text_ch=你在冥河深渊中苏醒,这里是地下世界边缘地带的临界区域,也是囚禁远古梦魇泰丰的衰朽牢笼。<br> <br> 神秘的灵魂 Cabrius 召唤着你前行……穿过冥王之门的重重危险……迈向未知的未来。
|text_ru=Вы пробуждаетесь в Стигийской бездне, полузабытой области на границе Подземелья, где заточён древний повелитель кошмаров Тифон.<br> <br> Таинственный дух Кабирус призывает вас идти вперед, сквозь опасности Врат Плутона... К неизвестному будущему.
|text_jp=あなたは、アンダーワールドの境界域、そして最古の悪夢であるTyphonの朽ちる監獄であるステイジアン・アビスで目を覚ました。<br> <br> 神秘的な魂Cabirusは、冥界の門の危険を乗り越えて...不確かな未来へとあなたを前進させる。
|objectives=<p class="ua_objective">Follow the ghost Cabirus forward.</p><p class="ua_objective">Find and enter the Portal leading to Marcaul.</p>
|objectives_es=<p class="ua_objective">Sigue al fantasma de Cabirus.</p><p class="ua_objective">Encuentra y atraviesa el portal a Marcaul.</p>
|objectives_fr=<p class="ua_objective">Suivez le fantôme de Cabirus.</p><p class="ua_objective">Trouvez le portail menant à Marcaul et franchissez-le.</p>
|objectives_it=<p class="ua_objective">Continua a seguire il fantasma Cabirus.</p><p class="ua_objective">Trova ed entra nel Portale che porta a Marcaul.</p>
|objectives_de=<p class="ua_objective">Folge dem Geist Cabirus.</p><p class="ua_objective">Finde und betritt das Portal nach Marcaul.</p>
|objectives_ch=<p class="ua_objective">跟随鬼魂 Cabrius 前进。</p><p class="ua_objective">找到并进入通往马考尔的传送门。</p>
|objectives_ru=<p class="ua_objective">Следуйте за духом Кабируса.</p><p class="ua_objective">Найдите портал в Маркаул и войдите в него.</p>
|objectives_jp=<p class="ua_objective">幽霊Cabirusを追って前進しよう。</p><p class="ua_objective">マルサウルにつながるポータルを見つけて通ろう。</p>
|next=The Siege Of Marcaul
|map={{#Widget:Map_PoI‎_Top|width=392}}{{#Widget:Map_Lvl1|width=392|seed={{PAGEID}}}}{{#Widget:Map_PoI‎_Portal|width=392|poix=490|poiy=45|poiname=Portal to Marcaul|seed={{PAGEID}}2|poilink=Marcaul}}{{#Widget:Map_PoI‎_Player|width=392|poix=465|poiy=910|poiname=Enter the Abyss|seed={{PAGEID}}1}}{{#Widget:Map_PoI‎_Bottom}}
|keywords=Stygian Abyss;Underworld;Cabirus;Portal;Marcaul
|Label=Next Quest
|Value=[[The Siege of Marcaul]]
This is the initial quest you receive when starting the game.
This is the initial quest you receive when starting the game.

Latest revision as of 10:25, 10 April 2019

Find Civilization
Pluto's Gate  
You awake in The Stygian Abyss, a liminal region on the borders of The Underworld and decaying prison of the primordial nightmare Typhon.

The mysterious spirit Cabirus beckons you forward, through the perils of Pluto's Gate, toward an uncertain future.

Follow the ghost Cabirus forward.

Find and enter the Portal leading to Marcaul.

  The Siege of Marcaul >

This is the initial quest you receive when starting the game.