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{{#set:Type name=Skills}}{{#set:Type name es=Habilidades}}{{#set:Type name fr=Compétences}}{{#set:Type name it=Abilità}}{{#set:Type name de=Fähigkeiten}}{{#set:Type name ch=技能}}{{#set:Type name ru=Навыки}}{{#set:Type name jp=スキル}}
"<span class="l_en ua_small-caps" style="display: inline;">The Memoreum is a repository of great knowledge -- magically-recorded survival tactics of heroes of the past.</span><span class="l_es ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">El Memorio es un almacén de gran conocimiento: tácticas de supervivencia de héroes del pasado registradas mágicamente.</span><span class="l_fr ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">Le Memoreum est un recueil de précieuses connaissances ; des tactiques de survie de héros du passé, consignées par magie.</span><span class="l_it ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">Il Memoreum è un deposito di grande conoscenza -- tecniche di sopravvivenza degli eroi del passato tramandate magicamente.</span><span class="l_de ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">Das Memoreum ist ein kostbarer Hort des Wissens: magisch aufgezeichnete Überlebenstaktiken der großen Helden der Vergangenheit.</span><span class="l_ch ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">记忆殿堂是伟大知识的仓库 - 以魔法形式记载了过往英烈的生存策略。</span><span class="l_ru ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">Мемориум — хранилище великого знания, магически записанных тактик выживания героев прошлого.</span><span class="l_jp ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">メモリアムは過去の英雄たちの生き残り戦術を――魔法を使って――記録した知識の宝庫。</span>"<br>
"<span class="l_en ua_small-caps" style="display: inline;">Provide Memora of your great Feats -- and I will trade for Skills.</span><span class="l_es ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">Entrégame Memoras de tus grandes hazañas... y te las cambiaré por habilidades.</span><span class="l_fr ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">Donnez-moi les Memora de vos grandes prouesses, je vous les échangerai contre des compétences.</span><span class="l_it ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">Portami i Memora delle tue grandi Imprese -- e io in cambio ti darò Abilità.</span><span class="l_de ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">Bring mir Memora deiner Heldentaten und ich gebe dir dafür Fähigkeiten.</span><span class="l_ch ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">为特长找到足够多的记忆体 - 我会用传授技能来交换。</span><span class="l_ru ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">Несите мне меморы ваших трюков, и я обменяю их на навыки.</span><span class="l_jp ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">偉大な技能のメモーラに譲れ…代わりにスキルをやろう。</span>"<br>
"<span class="l_en ua_small-caps" style="display: inline;">Our archive of skills includes combat, stealth, and magic.</span><span class="l_es ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">Nuestro archivo de habilidades incluye el combate, el sigilo y la magia.</span><span class="l_fr ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">Nos archives de compétences incluent combat, discrétion et magie.</span><span class="l_it ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">Il nostro archivio di abilità include combattimento, furtività e magia.</span><span class="l_de ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">Unser Archiv enthält alles vom Kampf über Tarnung bis zur Magie.</span><span class="l_ch ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">我们的技能包括战斗,潜行和魔法三个方面。</span><span class="l_ru ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">В наших архивах навыков есть боевые, скрытные и магические.</span><span class="l_jp ua_small-caps" style="display: none;">ここには,戦闘,ステルス,魔法のスキルが保管されている</span>"
:- {{Query character name|Resherak}}
==Skill Tree==
{{Under Construction}}
==Skill List==
{{#ask: [[Category:Skills]]|format=ul}}
[[Category:Skills| ]]

Revision as of 10:05, 1 April 2019

"The Memoreum is a repository of great knowledge -- magically-recorded survival tactics of heroes of the past."
"Provide Memora of your great Feats -- and I will trade for Skills."
"Our archive of skills includes combat, stealth, and magic."

- Resherak

Skill Tree

This article is currently under construction.
You are welcome to help in its construction by editing it as well.

Skill List