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{{Infobox Memora
{{Infobox Memora
|author=Xefreyani{{!}}Xefreyani of The Deep Elves
|text=<p>While reading ancient writing in the ruins of the Seers' library, I found a curious passage... one that spoke of Cabirus as a person, a man of flesh and bone. He once lived in the Abyss, and judging by the records, he was as... 'demanding...' as he is now.</p><p>Whatever his aims, they were laid low... It seems, by their accounts, the Seers witnessed his death, but by whose hands, they do not know - only that they did not mourn his passing and saw him an equal threat to the slumbering terrors in The Abyss.</p>
|scene=Upper Erebus
|keywords=Cabirus,Seers,Stygian Abyss
|keywords=Seers of the Moonstone;Cabirus;Stygian Abyss
|title=Sordid Past
|title_es=Un Pasado Sordido
|title_fr=Un Passé Sordide
|title_it=Sordido Passato
|title_de=Schmutzige Vergangenheit
|title_ch=地底精灵谢弗里亚尼 污秽小路
|title_ru=Мрачное Прошлое
|text=While reading ancient writings in the ruins of the Seers' library, I found a curious passage… one that spoke of Cabirus as a person, a man of flesh and bone. He once lived in the Abyss, and judging by the records, he was as… ‘demanding…' as he is now.<br>Whatever his aims, they were laid low… It seems, by their accounts, the Seers witnessed his death, but by whose hands, they do not know - only that they did not mourn his passing and saw him an equal threat to the slumbering terrors in The Abyss.
|text_es=Mientras leía unos escritos antiguos en las ruinas de la biblioteca de los videntes, encontré un pasaje curioso... Uno que hablaba de Cabirus como persona, como hombre de carne y hueso. Según parece, antaño vivía en el Abismo y, a juzgar por estos escritos, era tan... «exigente»... como lo es ahora.<br> Fuesen cuales fuesen sus objetivos, se los tiraron por tierra... Según parece, los videntes fueron testigos de su muerte... pero no saben quién lo mató. Según los escritos, tan solo está claro que no lloraron su muerte y que lo consideraban una amenaza equivalente a los terrores dormidos del Abismo.
|text_fr=En lisant d'anciens écrits dans les ruines de la bibliothèque des Devins, je suis tombé sur un passage curieux... un passage qui parlait de Cabirus comme une personne, un homme de chair et d'os. Il a vécu autrefois dans l'Abysse, et à en juger par ces archives, il était aussi... « exigeant... » qu'il l'est maintenant.<br> Quels que soient ses desseins, ils ont été étouffés... Il semblerait, selon leurs récits, que les Devins aient assisté à sa mort, tout en ignorant l'identité de son meurtrier. On apprend seulement qu'ils n'ont pas pleuré sa mort et qu'ils le considéraient comme une menace égale aux terreurs endormies de l'Abysse.
|text_it=Leggendo alcuni testi antichi nel rudere della biblioteca dei Veggenti, ho trovato un passaggio interessante... che parlava di Cabirus come di una persona, un uomo in carne e ossa. Un tempo ha vissuto nell'Abisso, e a giudicare dalle fonti era... "esigente"... almeno come ora.<br> Qualunque fossero i suoi obiettivi, furono sopraffatti... Sembrerebbe, sempre dalle fonti, che i Veggenti assistettero alla sua morte, ma per mano di chi, non lo si sa - si sa solo che non piansero il suo trapasso e lo considerarono una minaccia al pari dei terrori dormienti nell'Abisso.
|text_de=Bei der Lektüre alter Schriften in den Ruinen der Seher-Bibliothek fand ich eine seltsame Textpassage ... Sie sprach von Cabirus wie von einer Person aus Fleisch und Blut. Er lebte einst im Abgrund und den Aufzeichnungen zufolge war er damals ebenso "fordernd" wie heute. <br> Was immer seine Pläne waren, sie wurden zerschlagen. Die Seher berichten, dass sie seinen Tod mitangesehen haben, doch nicht wissen, wer der Täter war. Sie betrauerten ihn nicht und sahen ihn als ebenso große Bedrohung wie die schlummernden Schrecken des Abgrunds.
|text_ch=阅读探寻者图书馆废墟中的古代文字时,我发现了一条有趣的记载...它说Cabirus是一个人类,有血有肉。他曾生活在深渊中,从记载上看,他曾...雄心勃勃...像现在这样。<br> 他一直壮志难酬...根据记载,探寻者们看到了他的死亡,但不知道是何人所为,对于他的离去,他们丝毫没有感到伤感,因为他的威胁程度已经堪比蛰伏在深渊中的生物。
|text_ru=Читая древние письмена в руинах Библиотеки провидцев, я нашла интересный абзац... В нём говорилось о Кабирусе как о человеке из плоти и крови. Когда-то он жил в Бездну, и, судя по записям, был столь же... «настойчив», как сейчас.<br> Какими бы ни были его цели, он их не высказывал... Судя по записям, Провидцы видели его смерть, но от чьей руки, они не говорят. Говорят лишь, что они его не оплакивали и видели в нём угрозу, равную ужасам, дремлющим в Бездне.
|text_jp=廃墟と化した先見者の書斎で古文を読んでいると,興味深い一節を見つけた…Cabirusを人として,生身の人間として記していた。彼はかつてアビスの住人だった。記録によると,彼は…今と変わらず…「要求の厳しい」性格であったようだ。<br> Cabirusが何を成し遂げようとしていたかは分からないが,先見者たちは制圧されていた。先見者たちの話によると,彼らはCabirusの死を目撃したようだけど,誰の仕業だかは分からなかった。彼らにとって,Cabirusはアビスに眠る恐怖と同等の脅威であり,その死を嘆くことはない存在であった。

Revision as of 19:09, 3 March 2019

Xefreyani of the Deep Elves
Sordid Past
Elves icon.png
While reading ancient writings in the ruins of the Seers' library, I found a curious passage… one that spoke of Cabirus as a person, a man of flesh and bone. He once lived in the Abyss, and judging by the records, he was as… ‘demanding…' as he is now.
Whatever his aims, they were laid low… It seems, by their accounts, the Seers witnessed his death, but by whose hands, they do not know - only that they did not mourn his passing and saw him an equal threat to the slumbering terrors in The Abyss.