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{{Infobox Memora
{{Infobox Memora
|author=Khosnak{{!}}Khosnak, Mediator to The Shamblers
|text=<p>The gardens of The Hivemind die. As they fall, the mediators burn as well, their flesh engulfed in flames as Typhon's fires consume all. We cannot hold it back, and countless fields of memories... great caverns of lush vegetation, of life... now have become fuel for the beast that has awakened in the depths.</p>
|scene=Upper Erebus
|title=Fell Harvest
|title_es=Cosecha Otoñal
|title_fr=Récolte De Peaux
|title_it=Raccolto Mortale
|title_de=Grausame Ernte
|title_ch=霍斯纳克,跛行者调解人 落入收割
|title_ru=Испорченный Урожай
|text=The gardens of The Hivemind die. As they fall, the mediators burn as well, their flesh engulfed in flames as Typhon's fires consume all. We cannot hold it back, and countless fields of memories… great caverns of lush vegetation, of life… now have become fuel for beast that has awakened in the depths.
|text_es=Los jardines de la Mente colmena se mueren. A medida que caen, los mediadores también arden y su carne se ve engullida por las llamas, puesto que los fuegos de Typhon lo consumen todo. No podemos contenerlo. Infinidad de campos de recuerdos... grandes cavernas de vasta vegetación, repletas de vida... se han visto reducidos a combustible para la bestia que ha despertado en las profundidades.
|text_fr=Les jardins de l'intelligence collective se meurent. Avec eux, les médiateurs brûlent également, leur chair engloutie par les flammes, les feux de Typhon consomment tout. Nous ne pouvons pas le retenir, et d'innombrables champs de souvenirs... de grandes cavernes de végétation luxuriante, de vie... sont maintenant devenus le carburant de la bête qui s'est éveillée dans les profondeurs.
|text_it=I giardini della Mente Collettiva muoiono. Mentre cadono, anche i mediatori bruciano, la loro carne è avvolta nelle fiamme mentre il fuoco di Typhon consuma tutto. Non possiamo ostacolarlo, e innumerevoli campi di ricordi... grandi caverne piene di vegetazione, di vita... sono ora diventate combustibile per la bestia che si è svegliata negli abissi.
|text_de=Die Gärten des Schwarmgehirns sterben. Mit ihnen brennen auch die Vermittler, deren Fleisch in Typhons alles verzehrende Flammen gehüllt ist. Wir können ihm nicht Einhalt gebieten. Unzählige Felder der Erinnerung ... ganze Höhlen voller üppiger Vegetation, voller Leben ... sind jetzt nichts mehr als Nahrung für die Bestie, die in den Tiefen erwacht ist.
|text_ru=Сады Общего разума умирают. С ними горят и посредники, объятые всепоглощающим пламенем Тифона. Мы не можем его сдержать, и бесчисленные поля воспоминаний... огромные пещеры, полные растительной жизни... становятся топливом для зверя, пробудившегося в глубинах.

Revision as of 19:12, 3 March 2019

Khosnak, Mediator to the Shamblers
Fell Harvest
Shamblers icon.png
The gardens of The Hivemind die. As they fall, the mediators burn as well, their flesh engulfed in flames as Typhon's fires consume all. We cannot hold it back, and countless fields of memories… great caverns of lush vegetation, of life… now have become fuel for beast that has awakened in the depths.