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(Created page with "{{Infobox Memora |author=Khosnak{{!}}Khosnak, Mediator to The Shamblers |icon=Shamblers_icon.png |text=<p>Another mediator has gone mad, consumed with fever, as if burning fro...")
(Memora - update page.)
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{{Infobox Memora
{{Infobox Memora
|author=Khosnak{{!}}Khosnak, Mediator to The Shamblers
|text=<p>Another mediator has gone mad, consumed with fever, as if burning from within... The Hivemind is troubled, and we have felt a new emotion pass through its consciousness, each spore warning of great danger to come: a vision of heat and fire, burning away the fields of The Hivemind and the thoughts taht bind Saurian and The Hivemind into one. We sought aid from The Expedition and The Deep Elves, sought to warn them... but their doors are sealed to us, and they refuse to hear our mediators.</p>
|scene=Upper Erebus
|keywords=Hivemind;Saurian;Expedition;Dark Elves;Mediators
|title=Losing Ground
|title_es=Perdiendo Terreno
|title_fr=Perte De Terrain
|title_it=Perdere Terreno
|title_ch=霍斯纳克,跛行者调解人 迷失之地
|title_ru=Потеря Опоры
|text=Another mediator has gone mad, consumed with fever, as if burning from within… The Hivemind is troubled, and we have felt a new emotion pass through its consciousness, each spore warning of great danger to come: a vision of heat and fire, burning away the fields of The Hivemind and the thoughts that bind Saurian and The Hivemind into one. We sought aid from The Expedition and The Deep Elves, sought to warn them… but their doors are sealed to us, and they refuse to hear our mediators.
|text_es=Otro mediador ha enloquecido. Tiene una fiebre muy alta. Es como si le ardiese el interior... La Mente colmena está preocupada. Hemos sentido una nueva emoción en su consciencia y todas las esporas advierten de un peligro inminente aún más grande: una visión de fuego y calor, que quema los campos de la Mente colmena y los pensamientos que vinculan a los saurios y a la Mente colmena. Pedimos ayuda a la Expedición y a los elfos profundos, quisimos advertirles... pero sus puertas están cerradas y se niegan a escuchar a nuestros mediadores.
|text_fr=Un autre médiateur est devenu fou, consumé par la fièvre, comme s'il brûlait de l'intérieur... L'intelligence collective est troublée, et nous avons senti une nouvelle émotion traverser sa conscience, chaque spore annonçant un grand danger à venir : Une vision de chaleur et de feu, brûlant les champs de l'intelligence collective et les pensées qui lient les Sauriens et l'intelligence collective et les unissent. Nous avons demandé l'aide de l'Expédition et des Elfes des profondeurs, nous avons essayé de les avertir... mais leurs portes sont restées closes, et ils refusent d'entendre nos médiateurs.
|text_it=Un altro mediatore è impazzito, consumato dalle febbri, come se bruciasse dall'interno... La Mente Collettiva è turbata e abbiamo percepito una nuova emozione percorrere la sua coscienza, avvisando ogni spora del grande pericolo ormai prossimo: una visione di calore e fuoco, che brucia i campi della Mente Collettiva e i pensieri che collegano Sauriani e Mente Collettiva. Abbiamo cercato aiuto dalla Spedizione e dagli Elfi degli Abissi, li abbiamo cercati per avvertirli... ma le loro porte ci sono sigillate, e si rifiutano di ascoltare i nostri mediatori.
|text_de=Ein weiterer Vermittler ist dem Wahnsinn verfallen, verzehrt vom Feuer des Fiebers ... Das Schwarmgehirn ist beunruhigt und wir haben ein neues Gefühl wahrgenommen, das durch sein Bewusstsein fließt. Jede Spore warnt uns vor einer großen Gefahr, die bevorsteht: Eine Vision von Hitze und Feuer, das die Felder des Schwarmgehirns und die Gedanken verbrennt, die Saurianer und Schwarmgehirn eins werden lassen. Wir ersuchten die Expedition und die Tiefenelfen um Hilfe, wir wollten sie warnen ... Doch ihre Türen sind verschlossen und sie wollen unsere Vermittler nicht erhören.
|text_ru=Еще один посредник обезумел, поглощенный лихорадкой, будто сжигающей его изнутри... Общий разум обеспокоен, и мы почувствовали новую эмоцию в его сознании. Каждая спора кричит о грядущей великой опасности: о жаре и огне, выжигающих поля Общего разума и мысли, которые связывают завриан и Общий разум. Мы искали помощи у Экспедиции и глубинных эльфов, пытались их предупредить... но их двери закрыты для нас, и они не хотят слышать наших посредников.

Revision as of 19:13, 3 March 2019

Khosnak, Mediator to the Shamblers
Losing Ground
Shamblers icon.png
Another mediator has gone mad, consumed with fever, as if burning from within… The Hivemind is troubled, and we have felt a new emotion pass through its consciousness, each spore warning of great danger to come: a vision of heat and fire, burning away the fields of The Hivemind and the thoughts that bind Saurian and The Hivemind into one. We sought aid from The Expedition and The Deep Elves, sought to warn them… but their doors are sealed to us, and they refuse to hear our mediators.