Update 29

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Gaining Experience

Mar 4 2015

We've learned a lot during this Kickstarter, that's for sure. None of us had run a Kickstarter campaign at anything close to this scale. It's been a joyous ride, humbling, and enlightening. We've grown during this time, learned new things, and have developed a relationship with our fans. We have been reminded, everyday, why we started this incredible adventure. Inspired to create the most amazing game we can.

As the Avatar, you too will learn from your successes and failures. While you may have humble beginnings, starting out with no more than the clothes on your back, it won't be long before your abilities will begin to grow. How this happens will depend entirely upon how you approach the game, what your goals are, and what kind of hero you want to be.

Over the course of your adventure you will be able to shape your character in almost any way you like. Underworld Ascendant will have a multitude of different skills and perks you can learn. Become a master of hand-to-hand combat; learn how to sneak through the shadows unseen; tap into the arcane arts to learn powerful magics; or any mix of these. Any direction you choose will see your character become a reflection of the type of player you want to be.

Underworld Ascendant-Lurker.png

Dungeons and Dire Berries

Soon we will be in the final 24 hours of our campaign. Ready for the Dungeons and Dire Berries Challenge?!?

Starting Thursday, March 5th, at 9am EST, for every $10,000 that gets added to our pledge total from then till the end of our Kickstarter campaign, we will give all Kickstarter backers one of the famed Dire Berries. These berries, which grow on the strange swamp willows of the Dire Grove, give those who eat them a modicum of healing and a boost to energy. Used by wizards and warrior alike to prepare themselves for battle, these berries are coveted throughout the Stygian Abyss.

In addition, starting at noon EST, our very own Chris Seigel will be running a MUD-like dungeon crawl in the Comments section of our Kickstarter page. All backers are invited to join us for this old-school romp as Chris GM’s you all on a fun text adventure of tricks, puzzles and danger. Backers can join in and drop out any time during the event, no need to be present for it's entirety!

Chris' dungeon, The Labyrinth of Dreams, holds great treasure that will be shared with the entire community if it is found. If the players succeed in reaching the end of the dungeon and overcoming the final obstacle bt 9pm EST, they will uncover the lost Chalice of Cabirus, a magical artifact which grants any who drink from it a temporary increase in knowledge of the Stygian Abyss! If the community finds the chalice during Chris' adventure, all Kickstarter backers will be given this in-game, Kickstarter exclusive item!


We have chosen the slogan for the Kickstarter Exclusive version of the Underworld Ascendant T-shirt. We had lots of awesome entries posted into our forums, and among the finalists were Browncoat Jayson, h4pwn, myerlon and 7th-Key to name a few. But, ultimately there can be only one winner:

"Kickstarter Backer" (written in runes) - by Sark

We think this is going to make a snazzy looking shirt that we all will be proud to wear. Congratulations, Sark, you will receive a free T-shirt of your chosen size. And the heartfelt thanks of the community!

OtherSide plays LookingGlass3.jpg

We will be hosting our another OtherSide plays LookingGlass Twitch session this Wednesday, March 4th, from 11am to 2pm EST. This week Paul, Tim and Chris will be playing Ultima Underworld, with special guest appearances from Richard “Lord British” Garriott, Stephen Russell, the voice of Garrett the Thief, and others. Please join us in the fun.


While our Kickstarter is coming to an end, there is another awesome looking game that is still ramping up. If you haven't heard there is a new MMO in town and it’s named Crowfall. An innovative take on the MMO genre by master creators Gordon Walton and J. Todd Coleman, Crowfall is already funded and well into their stretch goals. We can't wait to play! Head over to their Kickstarter and give them a look!

The OtherSide Team

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