Splatter Seed

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Sling, with Splatter Seeds
UA Splatter Seeds.jpg

A handy sling, popular with the Dark Elves. This one comes with rare Splatter Seeds. The elves harvest these seeds from a creeping vine that thrives in their domain. The seeds have sharp thorns that can damage a foe, but they also split open on contact to spray a phosphorescent goo. Great way to tag a foe in the dark! The eight seeds that come with this sling have a one-of-a-kind, extra long-lasting, purple goo.

Stretch Goal

When the Kickstarter for Underworld Ascendant exceeded 9,000 users by noon (EST) on Sunday, February 22nd, everyone who had pledged $5 or more was gifted this special Kickstarter Exclusive in-game item: a dark elf sling with Splatter Seeds!

For every hundred additional backers over 9,000 that join us by Sunday noon, the elves had offered to include a bonus purple seed. Total backers as of the cutoff was just over 9,300, so each player will receive a Dark Elf Sling and 8 Splatter Seeds.