Pluto's Gate Puerta de Plutón La Porte de Pluton Porta di Plutone Plutos Tor 冥王之门 Врата Плутона 冥界の門
You awoke in The Stygian Abyss, a liminal region on the borders of The Underworld and decaying prison of the primordial nightmare Typhon. The mysterious spirit Cabirus beckons you forward, through the perils of Pluto's Gate, toward an uncertain future.
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Objective Objetivo Objectif Obiettivo Ziel 目标 Цель 目的
*Follow the ghost Cabirus forward.
Find and enter the Portal leading to Marcaul.{{{objectives_es}}} {{{objectives_fr}}} {{{objectives_it}}} {{{objectives_de}}} {{{objectives_ch}}} {{{objectives_ru}}} {{{objectives_jp}}}
The Siege of Marcaul El asedio de Marcaul Le siège de Marcaul L'Assedio di Marcaul Belagerung von Marcaul 围攻马考尔 Осада Маркаула マルサウルの包囲 >
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