Update 36

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Survey Incoming![edit]

Mar 20 2015

Next week we will be sending out to all our backers the Backerkit Survey. This email will be the mechanism by which we gather some information from you, such as your address for shipping of physical goods, as well as answers to important questions such as in which OS you'd like your copy of Underworld Ascendant, or what your forum ID is so we can assign you the proper forum badge for your pledge tier.

Also via this survey you will be able to indicate which add-ons you would like to apply your pledge dollars to, or even up your pledge amounts to get an add-on or two you were on the fence about during the Kickstarter campaign.

Once you have completed the survey you will then be able to log into our backerkit site at any time to make changes to your account. This will be useful if your address changes before the game ships, or if you have a change of email.

So, next week please keep an eye out for the survey, and try to take the minute or so to fill it out as soon as you can.

Lizardman Redux[edit]

A few weeks ago we started a vote on the new look of the Lizardmen. We thought our fans would definitely have a preference for either the Blue Lizardman or Green Lizardman. Well, we thought wrong! The vote came down to a literal tie, or at least close enough that no clear winner could be announced.

Thinking that maybe the colorization of the Lizardmen in the pictures was biasing folks towards one or the other, we've decided to run the vote again with the colors removed from the artwork. Let's see what happens this time! Know that in-game, the Lizardmen will likely come in all sorts of colors, so what we are going for here is really to find out which overall look our fans prefer.

Update LizardmanVoteRedux.jpg

Head on over to our forums and have your opinion heard. Again!

Other Stuff[edit]


Speaking of Lizardmen, SteveC from the forums has converted one of our possible new looks for the reptilians into sprite form, in honor of the original Underworlds. He even modeled (sprited?) up the Underswamp in this old-school look. Pretty neat!

This is the latest in a series of sprite work by SteveC converting Underworld Ascendant to pixelated greatness. Check out all his stuff here in the forums. And add in your own Underworld inspired art if you've got something in the works, we'd love to see it!

Update Mad EngineersProgress.png

This week, Jeff and Will (or, as we like to call them, the Mad Engineers) have been busy working on something. They won't let on what it is (they like being mysterious), but they did send us this pic. All we can say is, we can't wait to adventure there!

Dreaming of Ice[edit]

Today marks the arrival of the vernal equinox in these parts. However, you’d never know it from looking outside our offices, with the ground still covered in snow and ice. The Boston area has broken snowfall records going back more than a century, with over 108 inches this winter so far. Perhaps it is a message that we should have ice caverns in Underworld Ascendant? What do you think? Feel free to post your thoughts in the Forum.

Update IceCaverns.png

The OtherSide Team

External Links[edit]