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Revision as of 22:07, 14 January 2019 by DewiMorgan (talk | contribs) (This may be a bad way to solve the problem of me way overusing quotes, but...)
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The purpose of this template is to provide a collapsible block of up to (at the time of writing) 20 quotes. This is a lot cheaper than calling Quote twenty times, so prevents pages complaining about "too many expensive parser calls".


Each line has five elements, in this order:

  • 1 the reference name;
  • 2 the title;
  • 3 the quoted text (REQUIRED!);
  • 4 the speaker;
  • 5 and any notes.

While most of these can be empty, the separators for all fields must be present.


{{QuoteList || Reference name || Title || Big ol' blob o' quoted texts || NPC who said that || Sidenotes || Signage/spectre || Warning || specter warren ahead! || Graffiti || In-joke about Warren Spector ... || Reference name || || Quoted texts - likely the most common way this'll be used || || || MapRegion/gatetovaultofnyx || || ENTRANCE TO VAULT OF NYX || || ... }}