Update 12

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Name that Monster


Time to call this week’s vote, the face off between Lava Bats and Dire Fairies. By a whopping 195 vote margin, Dire Fairies win over Lava Bats!

Update Dire.png

Clearly some of you are haunted by dark nightmares, or want to be. (Despite the lack of a win, we do reserve the option to include Lava Bats in some more remote areas of the Stygian Abyss if we reach our first stretch goal.)

Rather than doing a straight up vote for the coming week, we’d like you to join in helping us name one of the monsters of the Stygian Abyss:

UA TunnelTrapper.jpg

This massive, semi-translucent ooze feeds by cramming it gelatinous bulk into tight dungeon passageways, absorbing detritus and any creature unwary enough to get in its way. We’ve been using the placeholder name “Tunnel Trapper” for this oddball beast, but we know you can come up with something better! Go to our forums HERE to submit a more suitable name. Then in a week's time we’ll select the one that we feels fits best.


Mieu, as an active member of the Underworld Ascendant community, proposed a clever way to give backers a badge of honor, while also sparking an uptick in pledges. To wit, any backer who pledges an additional $5 can have the special "Avatars of Underworld Ascendant” title next to their name in the Forums and in the Kickstarter comments. The extra $5 could come from a move from Early Bird to $25 (helps bring in new peeps), or $5 additional set aside for Add-Ons. This is based entirely on trust, we’ll take your word that you’ve done it. Simply click on your portrait and "edit profile" to change your name on the Kickstarter page to include the initials “AoUA”. On the Forums, all you have to do is post “I upped my pledge” in this forum thread and we’ll do the rest.

We noticed that there are just 732 likes on the OtherSide Facebook page. If you would go to our Facebook page and like us, it’s an easy way to help spread the word. Let’s see if we can get to 2,000 likes by week’s end! While you’re at it, please follow us on Twitter.

It's been just a half week and Underworld Ascendant has already broke into the top-40 out of over 1,700 games currently on Steam Greenlight. Pretty amazing. If you’ve not already done so, please vote YES. Let’s see if we can get into the top-20 and really make our presence known with the Steam players!


Also, tickled to announce another superbly talented voice actor joining the Underworld Ascendant roster:


Terri Brosius was part of the team at LookingGlass, doing both design and voice acting on the Thief games and System Shock II. She is the voice of Shodan and Delacroix in the System Shock series, and the voice of Viktoria in the Thief series. She has also worked with Ion Storm, Electronic Arts, Tiger Style, and Arkane. Terri has writing credits on the Thief games, Dishonored, Waking Mars, and more. Terri also plays keys for The Vivs, teaches piano to unsuspecting youngsters, likes to crochet, and has an unreasonable fear of hornets. We are thrilled to be working with Terri again!


Last, we wanted to give everybody a heads-up that over the coming 3 weeks we’ll be doing a series of sessions on Twitch, which we’re calling OtherSide plays LookingGlass, Folks from OtherSide, along with some very special guests, are going to be playing a selection of classic games we worked on when we were at LookingGlass.

First up is Thief, this Wednesday at 3pm – 6pm EST. Then System Shock 2 on Wednesday the 25th (time TBD). For the finale session on Wednesday March 4th (time TBD), Ultima Underworld naturally.

During each session we will be chatting about the game, sharing behind-the-scenes anecdotes, stories about what went into its development, and more. We will also be giving away some free digital copies of these classic games. Please come join us, and tell your friends to come along too!

The Team at OtherSide

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