Update 30

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Lizardmen Unlocked![edit]

Mar 4 2015

You've done it! The Lizardmen have been unlocked, and are moving into the Underswamp as we speak!

Underworld Ascendant-Lizardman.png

And, since we passed the $725,000 mark as well, we'll also be adding the Dire Grove to the Underworld. A natural home for the Lizardmen, the Dire Grove is also home to the swamp willow, a tree that bears fluorescent berries with magical properties.

Next Up, Companion Creatures + Enhanced Music![edit]

Update Vorpal Bunny.png    Update Mini-Brain.png

Exploring the Stygian Abyss can be a scary experience, so why do it alone? If we achieve the current $800,000 Stretch Goal, you won't have to! With the Companion Creature feature added to the game, players will be able to have a faithful little buddy tag along on their adventures. Companions might be useful in a fight, or in boosting skills and abilities, but they can also help the player in other unexpected ways.

Update EnhancedMusic.png

We've been listening to our fans and have decided to move Enhanced Music down from the $850,000 stretch goal to the $800,000 goal, alongside the Companion Creatures. This will help ensure that more music tracks and more elaborate scores are added to the game. The music of the original Underworld games is memorable even to this day, and now we will be able to create music to inspire the next generation of CRPG gamers!

UA Necrotic Graveyard.jpg

In addition when we get to $775,000, halfway through the Stretch Goal, we will build in the Stygian Abyss a new area, the Necrotic Graveyard. This dark and foreboding locale seems to hold an allure for the various monsters and creatures of the Stygian Abyss who, upon arriving at the graveyard, pass away only to be reanimated as the undead. It is for the player to learn the purpose in this and to perhaps stop this terrible curse from inflicting the denizens of the Underworld.

The OtherSide Team

External Links[edit]