Update 31

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Final Day![edit]

Mar 5 2015

As we post this update, we have a little less than 24 hours to go (officially the campaign ends at 8:55am ET Friday) in the Underworld Ascendant Kickstarter campaign. We've come so far, and made so many new friends! It's hard to believe it will all come to an end...

…So, we've decided that it won’t!

On Friday, over at the Underworld Ascendant site the party will continue!

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There, we will keep you updated, continue to have live events, keep the chatter going on our forums, and have new votes for you to share your voice. Together, we will roll forward with the adventure of bringing Underworld Ascendant to life!

We’re also going to continue to crowd-fund the game, so that we can reach at least a few more of the Stretch Goals that are not reached during this Kickstarter. Understand that when other developers have done crowd-funding following a Kickstarter that the pace of funding nearly always slows way down. So it will likely take many fold longer for us to move through the upcoming stretch goals than the pace we’re on now.

A slower pace is fine. Nearly all of our efforts have gone into running this campaign the past month, and it’s time to shift focus to actually making the game now. The other consideration is that we want to do our best to get the game released by November 2016. Doing so means not extending out beyond the end of this year trying to reach new stretch goals, as otherwise we’d keep adding new features to the game and just extend the release date. So we’ll see what Stretch Goals we can reach before the end of this year, then lock things down, and focus on balancing and polish and refinement --- which take considerable time to get right.

Join Our Forums, Get a Sweet T-Shirt[edit]

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We’re inviting all of you who’ve not already done so to come over to our forums and register. For all who have already registered, or do so by Tuesday 9am ET, March 10th, you’ll be eligible for getting one of 50 Underworld Ascendant t-shirts we’ll be randomly giving away. Now that's some swag! Head over to our forums and sign up now!



Starting on Friday, March 6th, we will begin accepting PayPal as a form of payment for pledges to the game. This will be done via our website. So for those of you who use PayPal exclusively and have not been able to pledge so far to Underworld Ascendant, be sure to head over tomorrow and get on board the pledge train!

Dungeons and Dire Berries[edit]

At 9am this morning we were just over $771,000 in funding. For the next 24 hours, until the Kickstarter ends, for every $10,000 additional that gets pledged during the day, we will give all Kickstarter backers one of the famed Dire Berries. These berries, which grow on the strange swamp willows of the Dire Grove, give those who eat them a modicum of healing and a boost to energy. Used by wizards and warrior alike to prepare themselves for battle, these berries are coveted throughout the Stygian Abyss.

In addition, starting today (Thursday) at 12pm EST, our very own Chris Seigel will be running a MUD-like dungeon crawl in the Comments section of our Kickstarter page. All backers are invited to join us for this old-school romp, as Chris GMs a fun text adventure of tricks, puzzles and danger.

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Chris' dungeon, The Labyrinth of Dreams, holds great treasure that will be shared with the entire community if it is found. If the players succeed in reaching the end of the dungeon and overcoming the final obstacle before 9pm EST, they will uncover the lost Chalice of Cabirus, a magical artifact which grants any who drink from it a temporary increase to intellect and knowledge of the Stygian Abyss! If the community finds the chalice during Chris' adventure, all Kickstarter backers will be given this in-game, Kickstarter exclusive item!

So, be online Thursday at 12pm EST to begin your adventure, and bring back treasure for everyone!


We have another celebration besides the final day of the campaign. One of our own teammates is getting married tomorrow! Brandon is wedding Saedis, in Iceland no less! Please join us in congratulating them on the start of their new adventure!

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Finally, we wanted to call out some other games currently on Kickstarter that are also reviving franchises from long ago.


First up is Zoombinis, a fantastic looking revamp of an old classic. Please check them out if puzzles and adventure are your thing!

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Toejam and Earl are some of our favorite game characters from the '90s, and now they are back! If you like funk, and fun, please give their Kickstarter a look!

External Links[edit]