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Underworld Ascendant is marketing the game using the hashtag #IAmTheAvatar.

Make Your Pledge-Raise the Underworld.jpg

What does that mean? Here is the explanation from the development team:

As the Avatar in Underworld, your mission is to do great things and undertake herculean tasks for the greater good. But it isn't always huge heroic leaps is it? It's also the little things. Like fostering relationships, gathering and trading goods, crafting necessary items. You get the idea. So all deeds which lead to the end result, great or small, make up the Avatar.

Our mission as the Underworld community is to do the same. We're on a quest to raise the Underworld. This will happen in both grand gestures like high profile news or through smaller steps, like a retweet or telling a friend about how Ultima Underworld affected your gaming experiences. However you chose to contribute to the quest, you are the Avatar.

We are honored that you are on this journey with us.
