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(Created page with "{{Infobox Memora |author=Xefreyani{{!}}Xefreyani of The Deep Elves |icon=Elves_icon.png |text=<p>Our refuge is lost. Out attempt to build a nation of our own laid waste. Typho...")
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{{Infobox Memora
{{Infobox Memora
|author=Xefreyani{{!}}Xefreyani of The Deep Elves
|text=<p>Our refuge is lost. Out attempt to build a nation of our own laid waste. Typhon's dead crashed against our defenses like a tide, and for every elf that fell, we watched Typhon's energy raise it to march against us. This creature... whatever woke it, it comes for us.</p>
|keywords=Typhon;Deep Elves
|title=Paradise Lost
|title_es=Paraíso Perdido
|title_fr=Le Paradis Perdu
|title_it=Paradiso Perduto
|title_de=Verlorenes Paradies
|title_ch=地底精灵谢弗里亚尼 迷失天堂
|title_ru=Потерянный Рай
|text=Our refuge is lost. Our attempt to build a nation of our own laid waste. Typhon's dead crashed against our defenses like a tide, and for every elf that fell, we watched Typhon's energy raise it to march against us. This creature… whatever woke it, it comes for us.
|text_es=Hemos perdido nuestro refugio. Nuestro intento de construir una nación ha sido hecho añicos. Los muertos de Typhon hicieron añicos nuestras defensas. Al caer un elfo, veíamos cómo la energía de Typhon lo alzaba para que nos atacase. Esa criatura... A saber quién la despertaría, pero el problema es que viene a por nosotros.
|text_fr=Notre refuge est perdu. Notre tentative d'ériger notre propre nation a été vaine. Les morts de Typhon se sont écrasés contre nos défenses comme une marée, et nous avons vu chaque Elfe tombé être réanimé par l'énergie de Typhon et prendre les armes contre nous. Cette créature... peu importe ce qui l'a réveillée, elle vient s'en prendre à nous.
|text_it=Il nostro rifugio è perduto. Il nostro tentativo di costruire una nostra nazione è stato devastato. I morti di Typhon si sono abbattuti sulle nostre difese come una marea, abbiamo visto l'energia di Typhon che li evocava per marciare contro di noi. Questa creatura... qualsiasi cosa l'abbia svegliata, viene a cercarci.
|text_de=Unser Versuch, eine eigene Nation aufzubauen, ist gescheitert. Typhons Tote brandeten gegen unsere Verteidigungen wie eine Sturmflut und jeder Elf, der fiel, wurde von Typhons Macht wiedererweckt, um für ihn zu kämpfen. Diese Kreatur – was auch immer sie erweckt haben mag – hat uns zur Beute auserkoren.
|text_ru=Наше убежище потеряно. Наша попытка создать свою нацию провалилась. Мертвецы Тифона обрушились на нашу оборону как волны, и каждый павший эльф восставал силой черной магии Тифона и шел против нас. Это существо... что бы его ни пробудило, оно идет за нами.

Revision as of 19:10, 3 March 2019

Xefreyani of the Deep Elves
Paradise Lost
Elves icon.png
Our refuge is lost. Our attempt to build a nation of our own laid waste. Typhon's dead crashed against our defenses like a tide, and for every elf that fell, we watched Typhon's energy raise it to march against us. This creature… whatever woke it, it comes for us.