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The first playable Prototype of Underworld Ascendant was released to backers at the Lore Seeker tier and higher on November 24th 2015. It was made available to all backers on December 21 via the purchase of Prototype Access.

Spoiler Warning: This page contains spoilers for the playable prototype.


The playable prototype contains a short tutorial hallway, reminiscent of the original Thief game, in order to teach the player how to manipulate objects, climb ropes, and cast spells.

Afterword, the playground is available for the player to try out their skills and attempt to complete the challenges.


The following challenges await within the playable prototype:

Find the Treasure Chest

The primary goal of the prototype is to locate the treasure chest somewhere within the maze.

Location Behind the stone door and across the chasm

Gather collectibles

Also hidden within the maze are 14 collectible rabbits. Locating these can be challenging, and reaching some of them is even more difficult.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • Behind the revolving door
  • On the platform in the first playground room
  • Behind the metal door
  • Next to the treasure chest
  • On the balcony behind the stone door
  • In the ceiling bove the stairway behind the stone door
  • In the ceiling above the room behind the revolving doors
  • In the ceiling above the metal door
  • In the ceiling above the first playground room
  • In the ceiling in front of the stone door
  • On a stone in the lava flow
  • Next to the treasure chest
  • Int he alcove above the lava
  • In the ceiling above the treasure chest


Each challenge has multiple solutions. Here are the known ways to bypass each:

Known solutions
Known ways to open stone door: 3
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Known ways to open steel door: 2 3

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Known ways to bypass the turnstile:

  • 1
  • 2

Known ways of crossing chasm: 5

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
Stone door solutions:
  • Cast "Thurs Eiwaz" repeatedly at the door until it is destroyed
  • ?
  • ?
(Note that the top of the door lacks clipping, so it is possible to jump through; this is unintentional.)

Steel door solutions:

  • Cast "Ehwaz Jera" on the wooden post to slide it up
  • Burn the wooden post using a torch or "Berkanan Kenaz"
  • Cast "Thurs Jera" repeatedly at the wooden post until it is destroyed

Turnstile solutions:

  • You can pass through the turnstiles in order
  • Cast "Berkanan Jera" on the toothed wheel, then cast "Naudiz Jera" on the vine to disengage the mechanism

Chasm solutions:

  • Go up the stairs and jump across the suspended platforms
  • Create vines using "Berkanan Jera" and swing across
  • Use "Naudiz Jera" on a wooden object and ride it across
  • Cast Levitate ("Naudiz Jera") on self and "walk" through the air
  • ?


The only piece of equipment available in the prototype is a torch, which the player can pick up either in the tutorial hall, or in the playground area.

(Note that the torch is not needed to complete the prototype.)


The following spells are available in the prototype:

Ua-berkanan.pngUa-jera.png Causes a vine to grow from the ceiling, or mushrooms to grow on other surfaces
Ua-berkanan.pngUa-hagalaz.png Creates a vortex of air that repels objects away from it
Ua-berkanan.pngUa-eiwaz.png Creates a ball of stone
Ua-berkanan.pngUa-kenaz.png Creates fire
Ua-thurs.pngUa-jera.png A destructive blast that damages wood or vines
Ua-thurs.pngUa-hagalaz.png Creates a vacuum of air that pulls objects towards it
Ua-thurs.pngUa-eiwaz.png A destructive blast that damages stone and pushes it forward
Ua-thurs.pngUa-kenaz.png Quenches fire
Ua-ehwaz.pngUa-jera.png Causes the targeted wood or vines to move toward the caster. Recasting it causes it to move away.
Ua-ehwaz.pngUa-hagalaz.png Creates a blast of air toward the target
Ua-ehwaz.pngUa-eiwaz.png Causes the targeted stone object to move toward the caster. Recasting it causes it to move away.
Ua-ehwaz.pngUa-kenaz.png Causes the targeted fire to flicker and move
Ua-naudiz.pngUa-jera.png Causes the targeted wood or vine to hover in place
Ua-naudiz.pngUa-eiwaz.png Causes the targeted stone object to hover in place
Ua-uruz.pngUa-jera.png Repairs the targeted wood or vine if it has sustained damage
Ua-uruz.pngUa-eiwaz.png Repairs the targeted stone object if it has sustained damage
Ua-uruz.pngUa-kenaz.png Enhances the target flame, causing it to grow brighter and do more damage



This solution video for gathering the collectibles was created by Nekot-the-Brave:


The Arena consists of four areas: Parkour Training, Parkour Skate Park, Parkour Timed Run, and Combat Arena.

Parkour Sections

The Parkour Training section of the arena shows you how to use the Parkour skills introduced in the prototype. This includes sprinting (press Shift while moving), sliding (press Ctrl to crouch while sprinting), wall run (sprint toward a wall and jump while at ~30-degree angle), and wall jump (sprint straight toward a wall, jump, then jump when you hit it to spring away).

The Parkour Skate Park is a room where you can practice your parkour skills.

The Parkour Timed Run allows you to pit your skills in a timed challenge. The initial time to beat on the Parkour track was 00:56.

Combat Arena

In this section, you can pick up a sword and defeat respawning automations. There are three attacks available: a light swing, an overhead swing, and a stab.


The only piece of equipment available in the arena is the sword.


Spells are not available in the arena.



0.1.5835.001 02-12-2016 Skill menu, bug fixes
0.1.5822.001 02-02-2016 More body awareness, parkour arena, and first combat
0.1.5817.001 12-21-2015 Adds wall-running and bug fixes
0.1.5816.266 12-04-2015 Multiple refinements and bug fixes
0.1.5805.3091 11-24-2015 Initial version provided to backers at Lore Seeker and above