Prototype Access

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Prototype Access
UA Prototype Access.jpg

This PROTOTYPE offers an early peek at core game mechanics like physics interactions and magic. Its look and quality are in no way representative of the final game, so expect to see a few rough edges. Each room has a goal; how you solve it is up to YOU. So, explore! Experiment with spells! Have fun with physics! Hunt down all the hidden collectables! Then, tell us what you think! Your feedback (via a survey link on the pause menu and on completion) is vital and will be used to tune and improve the game. And don’t forget to hop on our forums to share the unique solutions you discovered! Here’s how to play…


Underworld Ascendant Store
Name: Prototype Access
Price: $5
Underworld Ascendant Store pricing does not reflect sales. Some items are limited and are listed for historical information. Availability not guaranteed.

You can help support the development of Underworld Ascendant by purchasing this in the Underworld Ascendant Store.

UA Store.png

Pledge Reward

This item is a Kickstarter pledge reward for Backers who had pledged at the Lore Seeker tier or higher. Backers with a Pioneer pledge or higher can purchase access in the Digital Store.