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- from Name

The monsters of Underworld Ascendant are a varied lot.

People and Races

Note from Hig Harkens
- from SignageTitles/cultures
- from Signage/cultures


Chthonian Boots: Boots that imbue the wearer with reptilian speed, and beastly might with pounces and slides.
- from ItemDesc/PR_Boots_of_the_Cthonians
A longsword favored by both Saurians and Chthonians.
- from ItemDesc/PR_Lizardman_Toothed_Sword
Proper identification of the Lizard Men tribes can save your life. The Saurians of Marcaul are your allies. The Chthonians — who sport glowing armor and follow Typhon — are not.
- from LoadScreenTips/tip30
Do not confuse The Chthonian's brutal nature with a lack of sophistication. Even their rough-hewn weapons possess a lethal efficiency. THE DEEP ELVES admire this quality. They seek examples of the Lizard Men's arms. Retrieve for them a [GatherItem] from TITAN'S REACH.
- from QuestDescription/Fort2_Gather_002
THE SHAMBLERS wonder which tribe of Lizard Men is best equipped. They wish to study a weapon of Chthonian make. It just so happens you can find a [GatherItem] in TITAN'S REACH. Retrieve it for The Hivemind to they might compare it to Saurian craftsmanship.
- from QuestDescription/Fort2_Gather_007
Rumor spreads of a rare Chthonian weapon, a [GatherItem], lost in the depths of TITAN'S REACH. Seek this blunt instrument but do not grow overfond of it. THE EXPEDITION needs it for some purpose upon their return. Maintaining favor with the Dwarves trumps your own needs in these dark days.
- from QuestDescription/Fort2_Gather_008
Purge the scouting party of CHTHONIANS: Not all of the Lizardfolk are our allies... THE CHTHONIANS are an aggressive tribe, notably distinct from The Saurians by their glowing armor. They support Typhon's rise. Only the gods understand why... Though they are of The Lower Dark, a scouting party has been spotted in THE UNDERSWAMP. The Factions request that they be dealt with.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp1_Expel_003
Another ABYSSAL KEY is known to us... The Saurians have shared it, sensing our need. The seventh key lies buried with The Saurian dead… guarded by those who have turned from them, The Chthonians. You must brave the CYTHERION CATACOMBS. When the final key is obtained, then we have a chance of ending Typhon’s threat.
- from QuestDescription/Volc1_Explore_001
THE SHAMBLERS report a Chthonian mace, a [GatherItem], in THE CYTHERON CATACOMBS. It is said to be extraordinary. The Hivemind seeks it for further study. The Shamblers wish to gauge whether The Chthonians have surpassed The Saurians in arms. Find the weapon. Wield it to aid your return.}
- from QuestDescription/Volc1_Gather_003
Imprint a MEMORA of a Chthonian performing a special attack: THE DEEP ELVES respect skill and strength, even in their foes. THE CHTHONIANS are said to be among the fiercest warriors in The Underworld's deeper levels. Capture a MEMORA of these malignant lizards demonstrating one of their deadliest attacks. Surely the Elves will appreciate such an effort.
- from QuestDescription/Volc1_Imprint_001 (cut quest)
Discerning Saurians from Cthonians is no chore if you know what to look for. Saurians have subtle markings on their snouts. Cthonians, meanwhile, try to dismember you.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_aelita_discerningsauriansfromcthonians
If you're unsure whether a Lizard Man is Saurian or Cthonian, heed this hint: Only Cthonians will try to dismember you.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_aelita_ifyoureunsurewhetheralizard
The Chthonian's have a poetic saying: "Gnash the bones and slurp the marrow." ...I suppose it's more beautiful in its original Chthonian. (They lead rich inner lives...)
- from VOSubtitles/vo_bertha_thechthonianshaveapoeticsaying
Those scaly Chthonian folks have as much to lose if Typhon rises, but you don't see them running around like it's the end of the world. Maybe they know something we don't.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_bertha_thosescalycthonianfolkshaveasmuch (cut voiceover)
Rotworm grub Fillet? Rippers love, Lizard Men no like. Drives Saurians and Chthonians off. Why…?! Dunno! Smells good to me!
- from VOSubtitles/vo_rawstag_rotwormgrubfilletripperslove (cut voiceover)
The dead are my servants, broken to my will. The Chthonians choose to follow me.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_typhon_thedeadaremyservants

Cthonians are an aggressive tribe of Lizardmen from The Lower Dark, who have chosen to ally themselves with Typhon.

They are skilled in weapon and armor making, and martial moves, including the Chthonian Slide, a skill which the Ascendant can also learn, granting an Achievement on first use.

They wear glowing armor, wield clubs and toothed swords, and apparently, dislike the taste of Rotworm Fillets. Not enough that there's any ingame effect from the fillets, though.

Deep Elves

The deep elves are a faction in the Abyss. While they are not encountered in person their effects on the game matter. (background here - see characters page.) ToDo


The Expedition (blah blah lore, Dwarf|Dwarven|Dwarves|Mountain folk|Expedition) ToDo


Outcast Fighter


Outcast Rogue



Not all Lizardmen will try to dismember or eviscerate you on sight. The peaceful, meditating Saurians will instead assault you with empty platitudes. ToDo


blh blah the Hivemind ToDo


Deep Slug

- from Signage/deepslug
- from Signage/slugs
The Underworld is a hard place to have a soft body. Even Deep Slugs, common fodder for Abyssal beasts, have a thick hide. Heed their example. Seek this stout body armor, Hide of Deep Slugs, and try it for a time. It awaits somewhere in THE UNDERSWAMP.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp1_Gather_003
DEEP SLUGS dwell near the bottom of The Underworld's food chain. Yet the Dwarves of THE EXPEDITION value them for science rather than sustenance. They use Ripper Pome to lure slugs for study. Alas, supplies are limited in the Dwarves' exile. Recover the Ripper Pome in THE UNDERSWAMP.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp1_Gather_008
Imprint a MEMORA of the trail of a Deep Slug producing smoke: Heavens help whichever faction attempts to suppress THE DEEP ELVES now that they've tasted freedom. They will resort to any offense to maintain their defense. Apparently, DEEP SLUGS emit a smoky trail after devouring NETHER CAP mushrooms. Capture a MEMORA of this behavior so the Elves can ponder its eventual tactical uses.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp1_Imprint_001 (cut quest)
Clear THE DEEP SLUGS: UPPER EREBUS has become infested with DEEP SLUGS. The creatures are mostly harmless on their own. Yet they're an irresistible morsel for predators of the deep. Clear them out before they lure more dangerous creatures.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp2_Expel_002
THE EXPEDITION's hard-won supply of Ripper Pome is dwindling. They're found on the boughs of Rippers, vicious mix of flora and fauna. The Dwarves use them to bait Deep Slugs, which leave a fiery trail upon consuming the Pomes. Find these items scattered across UPPER EREBUS.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp2_Gather_004
Imprint a MEMORA of the trail of a Deep Slug set ablaze: THE DEEP ELVES make much from little. An admirable quality. They hear that DEEP SLUGS discharge a fiery trail after consuming RIPPER POMES. This behavior intrigues the Elves; they ponder its tactical uses upon their return to The Abyss. Capture a MEMORA of said flammable gastronomy for confirmation.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp2_Imprint_003 (cut quest)
Recover the MEMORA containing scientific observations of the Deep Slugs: THE EXPEDITION has little interest in observing Abyssal fauna from afar. Except when such observations improve their standing among rivals. A Dwarven sage once noted how Deep Slugs court through chemicals in their slime. The Shamblers do treasure this sort of repulsive erudition. Recover the MEMORA account to heighten Hivemind esteem of the Dwarves.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp2_Intrigue_004
Hide of Deep Slugs: A slimy skin that resists toxins and fire ({1}%).
- from Items/PR_Hide_of_the_Deepslugs
A succulent whitefish found in the Abyss's subterranean streams. Known to produce strange effects in the Deep Slug.
- from ItemDesc/PR_NetherFish
A fruit dropped by Rippers. Deep Slugs that eat them secrete a flammable goo trail.
- from ItemDesc/PR_RipperPome
- from LoadScreenTips/tip49
- from LoadScreenTips/tip72
Weaponized Slug: Killed an enemy using a Deep Slug trail.
- from SlugTrailKill/FeatDesc
DEEP SLUGS now graize peacefully in…
- from VOSubtitles/vo_aelita_deepslugsnowgraize
Helpful DEEP SLUGS have appeared in…
- from VOSubtitles/vo_aelita_helpfuldeepslugshave
Alt: If you just want to fill belly, Rodriguez, try Nether Fish. It sure stick to the ribs... Deep Slugs like them, too. Leave a black cloud… You can hide in them!
- from VOSubtitles/vo_rawstag_ifyoujustwanttofillbelly_alt (cut voiceover)
Rawstag know a thing or ten about Stygian fauna. Did you know Deep Slugs leave a smoky trail if they munch Nether Moss? You have much to learn, Rodriguez.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_rawstag_rawstagknowathingortenaboutstygian (cut voiceover)
Ripper Pomes not a favorite of Rawstag's. But Deep Slugs eat them like candy. Then you might follow their fiery slime trails.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_rawstag_ripperpomesnotafavorite (cut voiceover)

The Deep Slug is a versatile and non-aggressive denizen of the Abyss, more often food than predator.

It secretes a trail which has various properties, depending on what it has recently been eating or experiencing, a behavior that has been claimed by the Dwarves to be for courting purposes. Regardless of reason, this behavior can be tactically useful to the Ascendant.

  • When injured, the slug secretes an acidic trail that will harm those who walk onto it.
  • When eating its normal diet of Ripper Pomes, the slug's trail is highly flammable.
  • When eating certain other foods, including the Eyeless Nether Fish, Nether Cap, or Bounty of the Depths the slug's trail gives off a dark smoke that may be useful for concealment.

They have a thick hide which can be found crafted into leather armor which is resistant to toxins and fire. As their trails have these properties, it is likely they have the same resistances when alive.

Deep Slugs are the subject of three Steam/Achievements: Weaponized Slug (which is also a Feat, Friend of Deep Slugs, and "Secrets of the Deep Slugs"

Mind Crippler

MIND CRIPPLER EVICTION: Expel THE MIND CRIPPLER lurking about. Life shouldn't exist in The Abyss. Only the strange survive. MIND CRIPPLERS hunt by pitting prey against prey, then devouring the loser. It's a despicable adaptation, particularly to The Deep Elves. Servitude has soured them on mind control. Do all free folk a favor and push the Mind Cripplers from THE UNDERSWAMP.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp1_Expel_002
Imprint a MEMORA of a Mind Crippler performing a psychic attack: Heed my words: Never bring up mind control among THE DEEP ELVES. It is a sore subject, and rightly so. Their race was created by a mad mage who enslaved them with telepathy. Now they seek a MEMORA proving that MIND CRIPPLERS can turn allies into enemies.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp1_Imprint_003 (cut quest)
Mind Killer: A Mind Crippler was killed indirectly.
- from MindCripplerDiedWithoutPlayerDamagingIt/FeatDesc

Mind Cripplers are essentially giant floating brains, which may be at least conceptually related to the [UW:Gazers] from the original Underworlds. They attack with magic, including both Magic Fist and Confusion spells.

Mind Cripplers are the subject of the Achievement and Feat Mind Killer.


Imprint a MEMORA of a Ripper attack.
- from QuestObjective/Swamp1_Imprint_002 (cut quest)
RIPPERS will attack any soul clumsy enough to bumble loudly within their reach. The Dwarves of THE EXPEDITION fret over such things, despite their eviction from The Abyss. And why not? They sacrificed much to tame this place once. If they wish a MEMORA of the RIPPERS' aggression, you should seize the opportunity.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp1_Imprint_002 (cut quest)
- from QuestObjective/Swamp2_Expel_003
RIPPERS have taken root in UPPER EREBUS. Be glad this ill-tempered timber isn't mobile as in days of yore. Still, Rippers sow suffering with their flailing branches. Putting fire to wood is one solution, although The Shamblers despise flame and have no quarrel with Rippers. How you clear these trees is up to you.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp2_Expel_003
THE EXPEDITION's hard-won supply of Ripper Pome is dwindling. They're found on the boughs of Rippers, vicious mix of flora and fauna. The Dwarves use them to bait Deep Slugs, which leave a fiery trail upon consuming the Pomes. Find these items scattered across UPPER EREBUS.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp2_Gather_004
THE EXPEDITION and DEEP ELVES once stood on opposite riverbanks in The Lower Dark, rattling sabers. The Disenthralled claimed they liberated the river from a forest of Rippers. The Dwarves insisted they diverted the waterway to power their machinery. The dispute over the river continues to this day, outside The Abyss. Seek a MEMORA proving whose claim is true.
- from QuestDescription/Volc1_Intrigue_007
Ripper Pome: A fruit dropped by Rippers. Deep Slugs that eat them secrete a flammable goo trail.
- from ItemDesc/PR_RipperPome
Ripper Seed: Seed that sprouts into a terror when planted.
- from ItemDesc/PR_RipperSeed
Ripper Burl: The thrashing branch from a Ripper tree. Valued by woodworkers for its distinct grain.
- from ItemDesc/PR_Ripper_Burl
Ripper Hide Armor: Lightweight armor hewn from a Ripper's bark. Allows for nimble movement and protection (+{1}%) from piercing weaponry.
- from ItemDesc/PR_Ripper_hide_Armor
Objects like a crate, vase, or Ripper Burl can be held up to block attacks.
- from LoadScreenTips/tip45
- from LoadScreenTips/tip50
Rotworm grub Fillet? Rippers love, Lizard Men no like. Drives Saurians and Chthonians off. Why…?! Dunno! Smells good to me!
- from VOSubtitles/vo_rawstag_rotwormgrubfilletripperslove (cut voiceover)
Bark & Bite: Defeated a Ripper.
- from RipperKill/FeatDesc

Possibly related to the Reaper of Ultima lore, the Ripper is an arch-shaped, tree-like plant with four long arms that have sharp blades at the end. It will viciously attack anything that it notices moving within range.

However, it is a friend of the Deep Slug, which it will not attack.

While generally found in isolation, lore suggests that they can (or could) be found in whole forests, and were considerably more mobile.

The back end of a ripper has an embedded Ripper Burl, and growing around it and sometimes on seedlings there are their fruit, the Ripper Pome, which can be used as bait for Deep Slugs.

There is a possibly-cut item, Ripper Seed, which, when planted, grows a Ripper.

They apparently love Rotworm grub fillets. They probably do not love long walks in the park.

They are susceptible to fire, but likely resistant to piercing damage, as armor made from their hide also has this resistance.

Rippers are the subject of the Achievement and Feat Bark & Bite.


- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_wisps
Wisps eat mana, and excrete starlight.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_wispseatmanaand

Wisps can be found in the game, but other than casting very localized light, they do not affect anything, and cannot be interacted with.

Skeleton Warrior

Skeletons are resistant to arrows.
- from LoadScreenTips/tip73
THE ROUT BEGINS: The dead have driven us from the lower levels, and still they press the attack. My warriors… exhausted. So many have fallen… the forges are lost, and we still fight to hold the upper halls. Where is the aid Cabirus promised? Will he leave us to die… to be sacrificed? We are alone. The elves are lost, scattered. The expedition’s only hope is to retreat to the Circle of Portals… The Saurians will not help us in their warded city. We must retreat, break the portals, and try to gather our forces elsewhere. - Executor Rubric of The Expedition
- from Logs/Memora_dwarf_006
TALES OF THE UNDEAD: It’s a common jest among the Disenthralled that investigating the Undead is the quickest way to joining them. The ancient texts claim the reanimated deceased are a consequence of the unique arcane nature of our Abyssal environment. I disagree. The Abyss itself harbors an ill will. The walking dead are extensions of Typhon, his malice made flesh and bone. Or bone...just bone. - Xefreyani of The Deep Elves
- from Logs/Memora_Swamp2_Intrigue_001
HIRED HELP: The Hivemind’s ancestral enemy is our ancestral enemy. I say this with no ulterior motive. We seek fellowship with our Shambler neighbors. So Pir-Tama preached, her will be done. And we certainly have no need of the Undead in our halls. The Lizardmen relish the challenge, so why not make it worth their while? I will make the arrangements. - Xefreyani of The Deep Elves
- from Logs/Memora_Volc1_Intrigue_002
UPPER EREBUS is a bastion of our enemies. The dead, risen from the corpses of countless conflicts in The Abyss, march there. Some perished before Typhon’s rise, in the arcane conflicts with the Arch-Mage Tyball. Others were souls who labored to make The Abyss a home – and now are driven to destroy it. You must drive the undead out of the ruins, and put the unfortunate dead to rest once more.
- from QuestDescription/Main_Expel_001
The Undead have long served Typhon in The Abyss. Ancient accounts claim the skeletons emerged fleshless from chasm walls! THE DEEP ELVES wish to know how Typhon gained control of these ghouls. Such an account would ease relations with The Shamblers, who despise the walking dead. Recover a MEMORA containing such knowledge.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp2_Intrigue_001
Darkness and distraction were my tools here, dear sister. The Undead watch AND listen! –Draupnir
- from Signage/Outcast_005
The undead feel nothing, not even fear. But I could sweep them from your path if you but let me, Dahlia. Utter Move Spirit and the dead behave. –Draupnir
- from Signage/rune_MoveSpirit2
As you insist on opposing me, Dahlia, I've had to find my own allies. The undead are easy to enthrall, yet fragile. Strengthen Spirit makes them heartier. –Draupnir
- from Signage/rune_ProtectSpirit
- from Signage/undeadfollowers
As he rises, the dead follow, infused with his power. Each living thing that falls, fuels his strength… and brings him one step closer to escaping this prison.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_asherisesthedeadfollow
The dead are not inherently malevolent, but in Typhon’s grip… they are forced to carry out his will.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_thedeadarenotinherently
The dead cannot traverse through portals as we can
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_thedeadcannottraversethrough
Undead devour mana, giving nothing in return.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_undeaddevourmanagiving
The dead are my servants, broken to my will. The Chthonians choose to follow me.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_typhon_thedeadaremyservants
The dead gather to my call, thralls to my will. Soon, they will march and consume the world.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_typhon_thedeadgathertomycall
When you die, you will join the dead I have enslaved… I will have you march on these Factions you seek to protect -- and put them all to the blade, in the name of Typhon.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_typhon_whenyoudieyouwilljoin

Skeletons form the majority of Typhon's armies, and are the unfortunate dead from past settlements, adventures and battles within The Abyss, who have been forced in death into servitude to Typhon. They come in several levels of ability.

They all have the following traits:

  • can be reanimated by Eidolons
  • resistant to arrows, likely because the shafts go straight through.
  • absorb mana motes
  • affected by magic that affect "spirit"
  • can see and hear the Ascendant - or distractions!

Spectral Warrior

The weakest type of Skeleton Warrior, this skeleton may be unarmed, perhaps literally, and may also be lacking a head. These might be the remains of a beheaded person, or of the cut monster the Headless.

These skeletons can be summoned by the lowest level undead-summoning spell (without a head), and with the medium-strength summoning spell (with a head).

Spectral Knight

Rise, my spectral knight…
- from VOSubtitles/vo_typhon_risemyspectralknight
Is it just Rawstag, or are skeleton knights more beefier than before? Rawstag use to them being all bones and no bite.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_rawstag_isitjustrawstagorareskeleton (cut voiceover)

Spectral Champion

The strongest type of Skeleton, the Spectral Champion has the special ability to rally itself and its allies, making them all stronger.

Spectral Beings

To stop a spirit, seek its Animus
- from Signage/Graffiti_006
- from Signage/beset
Warning: spectre warren ahead
- from Unsigned graffiti (easter egg/in-joke about Warren Spector)

While the skeletons are called "spectral", they are not in fact spectres, as they have solid physical bodies. Spectral Beings, on the other hand, are various forms of floating, incorporeal spectre.


Spectral beings like the Eidolon and Lich cannot be attacked directly. They can only be hurt by destroying their Animus... which won't go down without a fight.
- from LoadScreenTips/tip12
The Animus has short-range defenses that can be damaging to nearby attackers.
- from LoadScreenTips/tip13
The core of an Eidolon's Animus can be used to alter the environment. The core of a Lich's Animus can be used to turn back the Doom Counter.
- from LoadScreenTips/tip14
Beware! An Animus has several defenses: a Magic Fist spell attack, a teleport that draws an enemy near, and a close proximity burst.
- from LoadScreenTips/tip42nl
- from Help AnimusApproach
Each Animus guards a shard of Typhon’s power: a core.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_meditator1_eachanimusguardsashard
The Animus guards my power.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_typhon_theanimusguardsmypower
Rawstag not afraid of ghosts. They go away if you bash their Animus. Trust Rawstag on this, Rodriguez. Big glowy thing! Can't miss it!
- from VOSubtitles/vo_rawstag_rawstagnotafraidofghosts (cut voiceover)

The 'Animus of a Spectral Being is a "big glowy thing" - a swirling stack of bones about the side of a person, which stores within it a "core".

They are of two types.

The animus of an Eidolon

The Animus of an Eidolon is powered by a Mana Core, which can be used to power the Materia Moduses, to modify the physical structure of a level.

A concentrated form of Typhon's power, found inside the Animus of an Eidolon. Used to power the Materia Modus.
- from ItemDesc/PR_PROP_Animus_Heart
Powered by an Aether Core, found inside the Animus of a Lich.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_poweredbyanaethercore
Acquire the MANA CORE from the DESTROYED ANIMUS.
- from QuestObjective/GetManaCore
Place MANA CORE into the MATERIA MODUS ( ◙ ).
- from QuestObjective/PutManaCoreInEAD

The animus of a Lich

A concentrated form of Typhon's power, found inside the Animus of a Lich. Used to power the Tempus Modus.
- from ItemDesc/PR_PROP_Animus_Heart_Lich
It is powered by an Aether Core, found inside the Animus of a Lich.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_itispoweredbyanaethercore
Acquire the MANA CORE from the DESTROYED ANIMUS.
- from QuestObjective/GetEidolonHeart
Place the AETHER CORE in the TEMPUS MODUS ( ╝ ).
- from QuestObjective/PlaceLichHeart

The Animus of a Lich (or Arch-Lich) is powered by an Aether Core, which can be used to power the Tempus Modus, to push back the Doom Counter.


- from Help EidolonApproach
A SPECTRE HAS RISEN: Not even the dead are safe from Typhon’s power, each is chained to him. He infuses them with power - and become his slaves. Yet more terrible are the willing servitors of Typhon in death, the EIDOLONS. One has been sighted in UPPER EREBUS. As long as it exists, Marcaul is in danger. Slay the Eidolons and remove this threat from our door.
- from QuestDescription/Main_Gather_001
EVICTING THE UNDEAD: EIDOLONS are haunting THE NECROTIC GRAVEYARD, reanimating the deceased to serve Typhon. As such wretched spirits are wont to do. Expel any specters before their skeletal minions secure a foothold in the region. Remember: A ghost's weakness is its ANIMUS.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp2_Expel_001
SPECTRAL INQUIRY: The dwarves of THE EXPEDITION pursue innumerable tactics for saving The Abyss. Even the methods of their foes. To them, the end absolves broad means. Their emissary seeks a MEMORA showing how the EIDOLON reanimate the undead. It might illustrate how to turn Typhon's minions against him.
- from QuestDescription/Swamp2_Imprint_001 (cut quest)
An Eidolon has appeared. Such spectral beings are invested with Typhon’s power -- and require… investigation.
- from Haporukala (cut voiceover)

The weakest form of Spectral Being, the Eidolon is a willingly-raised servitor of Typhon which can reanimate slain undead to fight again.

They cannot be attacked directly, but will be destroyed if you find and destroy their Animus.


TYPHON SUMMONS A LICH!: Eidolons are not the only willing servants of Typhon… More terrible still are the shades of wizards long since dead – a creature, the LICH. As Typhon wages war against us, he infuses more of his power into these dead mages. Once united under TYyball, now they eagerly draw upon Typhon’s power and live again… One such abomination has risen in TITAN'S REACH. You must find a way to destroy it.
- from QuestDescription/Main_Gather_002
LICH EXTRACTION REQUIRED: TYBALL'S FOLLY is haunted. The dead will never rest with a LICH lurking about. The ghosts of wizards, Liches are also extensions of Typhon's power. Typhon expended energy to animate them. They in turn reanimate the dead. Doubtless the Liches wish ready this realm for their master's return. Push them out, and weaken Typhon in the process.
- from QuestDescription/Fort1_Expel_001
ANCIENT SUMMONS: The Dwarves of THE EXPEDITION lived here of their own volition. They sought to shape The Abyss. To bend it to their needs. They've since heard that the LICH can summon other undead in service of Typhon. A MEMORA of this ability might offer a key to defeating The Father of Monsters. Recover it for the Dwarves.
- from QuestDescription/Volc1_Imprint_002 (cut quest)
Motes of Mana are invisible unless one is a Lich—they’re drawn to it—or one learns the right skill. –Draupnir
- from Signage/Outcast_022
Fail - and Typhon's creatures will gain strength. Its power will be used to raise another of the dark mages… a Lich, who will serve Typhon… willingly.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_failandtyphonscreatureswillgain
Typhon has raised a lich from the remains of a mage, imbuing it with his essence. Typhon’s power grows with each such resurrection.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_haprukala_typhonhasraisedalichfrom
Rise, mage… as a lich.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_typhon_risemageasalich
A Lich has risen. Another servitor for Typhon.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_alichhasrisenanotherservitor
DEEP THOUGHTS: The Leaf enlightens. Confrontation with Typhon comes tomorrow, and yet I have faced him today, in a thousand battles with as many outcomes. Most end in fire. Some end in darkness, a void. One ends in balance. Typhon’s power is not limitless. His Lich minions take their toll. Yet only if we stand united, as Pir-Tama taught. The Leaf enlightens. - Xefreyani of The Deep Elves
- from LogTitles/Memora_Swamp2_Intrigue_010

The Lich is akin to the Eidolon, willingly raised by Typhon to his service, but armed with more powerful magic, due to being raised from a wizard. Rather than merely raising defeated undead, they can summon more undead to their cause.

Like the Eidolon, they cannot be attacked directly, but will be destroyed if you find and destroy their Animus.

The Lich is said to be able to see and draw to themselves motes of mana. They will therefore not run out of spells when attacking you.

Arch Lich

- from Signage/rillith
Typhon has expended considerable energy raising the dread mage Tyball as an Arch Lich. Crack wide Tyball's Animus, gather its core, and use its power to stop Typhon. Save our world -- and your own.
- from QuestDescription/VaultofNyx
Typhon has raised the dread mage Tyball -- as an Arch Lich.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_haprukala_typhonhasraisedthedreadmage
Typhon has sent his most dangerous servant, the Arch-Lich Tyball and his legions.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_typhonhassenthismostdangerous
Use The Abyssal Keys to unlock the chains, opening the path to Tyball's Animus.
- from QuestObjective/VaultOfNixChains
Crack wide Tyball's Animus. Gather its core.
- from QuestObjective/VaultOfNixAnimus

An Arch Lich is a Lich which was raised from an Arch Mage. As such, it has the sentience and power of a true master of the dark arts, and is among Typhon's most deadly servants.

Like other spectral beings, they cannot be slain directly, but rather, will be injured through attacks on their Animus, which is likely to be heavily protected.

Two known Arch Liches are Tyball and Rillith.

Cut Stuff


- from Signage/Graffiti_100 ('Warning')
- from Signage/bellumtyphon ('Note from Hig Harkens')
- from Signage/excavate ('Note from Hig Harkens')
In this place, Uder fell defending the gate against The Bellum
- from Signage/laststand ('Graffiti')
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_thebellum

Other than cut voiceover for Cabirus introducing them, and four pieces of graffiti, nothing else is known.

Dire Faerie

- from Signage/direfaerie
DIRE FAERIE now idle within…
- from VOSubtitles/vo_aelita_direfaerienowidlewithin
DIRE FAERIE presently occupy…
- from VOSubtitles/vo_aelita_direfaeriepresentlyoccupy
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_thedirefaerie

Cut voiceover for Aelita and Cabirus suggests these were considered as an encounterable monster. Graffiti suggests they might be planned for a DLC.

Earth Clot

- from SignageTitles/earthclot
- from Signage/earthclot
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_earthclot

The Earth Clot was a monster so large it could block passages. Its name was a result of a contest for Kickstarter backers to choose a name.

Fire Elementals

- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_fireelementals

Other than cut voiceover for Cabirus introducing them, nothing is known.


- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_theheadless

Other than cut voiceover for Cabirus introducing them, nothing is known.

Lava bats

LAVA BATS have migrated into…
- from VOSubtitles/vo_aelita_lavabatshavemigratedinto
LAVA BATS seek nourishment in….
- from VOSubtitles/vo_aelita_lavabatsseeknourishment
Everyone's charging around trying to save the Underworld, but no one's considering the unintended consequences. I mean, is anyone taking the Deep Slugs' concerns into account in all this? What about Lava Bats when you put out all those torches…?
- from VOSubtitles/vo_bertha_everyoneschargingaroundtryingtosave

Cut voiceover for Aelita suggests these were considered as an encounterable monster.

Mana Leech

Erebean Mana Leech Companion
- from Items/PR_CompanionManaLeechItem
The Mana Leech will hold extra mana from you. It receives any mana that you collect if your mana is full already. You can interact with it to gain that mana. Companions can be equipped to your Pet slot.
- from ItemDesc/PR_CompanionManaLeechItem
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_themanaleech

The Mana Leech is a Companion Creature for Kickstarter Backers. Its purpose is to store overflow mana once your mana is full, that you can then harvest later.


Aelita's Choice Mana Leech Companion
- from Items/PR_CompanionMiniBrainItem
The Mana Leech will hold extra mana from you. It receives any mana that you collect if your mana is full already. You can interact with it to gain that mana. Companions can be equipped to your Pet slot.
- from ItemDesc/PR_CompanionMiniBrainItem
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_themini-brain
Companion Creature: Mini Brain
- from DLC/ks_mini_brain
MINI-BRAIN have emerged in…
- from VOSubtitles/vo_aelita_minibrainhaveemergedin
MINI-BRAIN have strayed into…
- from VOSubtitles/vo_aelita_minibrainhavestrayedinto

The Mini Brain is a Companion Creature for Kickstarter Backers, and is a type of Mana Leech. Its purpose is to store overflow mana once your mana is full, that you can then harvest later. Cut voiceover for Aelita suggests they were also considered as an encounterable monster.

Rot Worm

- from SignageTitles/recipe
ROTWORM STEW: - One bottle Port - One Green Mushroom - Rotworm meat - A bowl for mixing - The instructions on the recipe
- from Signage/recipe
Khosnak, Mediator to The Shamblers THE DARKEST AGE
- from LogTitles/Memora_Swamp2_Intrigue_008
Before The Expedition, before Cabirus's failed utopia...before even the Rotworms rooted through The Lower Dark, the first spore took root. It propagated and flourished into the garden of The Hivemind. Societies great and small came and went, scourged by the flames, yet The Hivemind remained, regarding all. It sowed fields of memories, ignored until The Saurians learned to meditate and speak.
- from Logs/Memora_Swamp2_Intrigue_008
THE DEEP ELVES of The Disenthralled overcame much before they were chased from The Abyss. It would be a kindness to recover a stash of their [GatherItem]. The Elves find the Rotworm unpalatable but use it to bait Lurkers, a voracious, tentacled predator. Uncover the fillets and return them here.w
- from QuestDescription/Swamp1_Gather_007
Bitter Rotworm Filet
- from Items/PR_BitterRotwormFilet
Rotworm Filet
- from Items/PR_RotwormFilet
Rotworm Skin Boots
- from Items/PR_RotwormSkinnedBoots
A fragrant morsel considered a delicacy among certain denizens of The Abyss. Causes bleeding, though.
- from ItemDesc/PR_BitterRotwormFilet
Relatively speaking, one of The Stygian Abyss's greatest delicacies. Cures hunger, at least.
- from ItemDesc/PR_RotwormFilet
Boots that don't bog down in a mire, making the Underswamp less of a slog.
- from ItemDesc/PR_RotwormSkinnedBoots
Rotworm Skin Boots
- from DLC/ks_rotworm_skin_boots
Before the Expedition, before Cabirus’ failed utopia...before even the Rotworms rooted through the Lower Dark, the first spore took root. It propagated and flourished into the garden of the Hivemind. Societies great and small came and went, scourged by the flames, yet the Hivemind remained, regarding all. It sowed fields of memories, ignored until the Saurians learned to mediate and speak.
- from VOSubtitles/vo_khosnak_beforetheexpeditionbefore
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_rotworms
Rotworm grub Fillet? Rippers love, Lizard Men no like. Drives Saurians and Chthonians off. Why…?! Dunno! Smells good to me!
- from VOSubtitles/vo_rawstag_rotwormgrubfilletripperslove

Shadow Beast

- from SignageTitles/shadowbeast
- from Signage/shadowbeast
Shadow Beast Hide Armor
- from Items/PR_HideOfShadowbeasts
Shadow Beast Hide Armor
- from Items/PR_Hide_of_Shadowbeasts
Take foes by surprise in armor from the hide of a predator that blends into the dark. Camouflage, {2}% surprise chance, chance of foes dismissing suspicion.
- from ItemDesc/PR_Hide_of_Shadowbeasts
Leather armor sewn from the hide of a predator that blends into the night.
- from ItemDesc/PR_Shadowbeast Hide
Did I ever tell you about the time I took on a Shadow Beast unarmed…?!
- from VOSubtitles/vo_aelita_didievertellyouaboutthetime
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_shadowbeast


- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_slimes

Other than cut voiceover for Cabirus introducing them, nothing is known.


- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_spiders

Other than cut voiceover for Cabirus introducing them, nothing is known.


Dire Vorpa Companion: The Dire Vorpa will attack enemies that have a tiny amount of health left. Companions can be equipped to your Pet slot.
- from ItemDesc/PR_CompanionDireVorpaItem
Deep Vorpa Companion: The Vorpa will attack enemies that have a tiny amount of health left. Companions can be equipped to your Pet slot.
- from ItemDesc/PR_CompanionVorpaItem
Companion Creature: Vorpal Bunny
- from DLC/ks_vorpal_bunny
VORPA have drifted into…
- from VOSubtitles/vo_aelita_vorpahavedriftedinto
VORPA now roam…
- from VOSubtitles/vo_aelita_vorpanowroam
Does it make you happy knowing that every time you plunder the Underworld or save a Vorpa, some Outcast or Lurker goes hungry?
- from VOSubtitles/vo_bertha_doesitmakeyouhappyknowingthat
- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_thevorpa

The Vorpa, or Vorpal Bunny, is a Companion Creature for Kickstarter Backers. Its purpose is to attach foes which are almost killed, and finish the job. Cut voiceover for Aelita suggests they were also considered as an encounterable monster.

Wailing Haunt

- from VOSubtitles/vo_narrator_thewailinghaunt
I have heard The Wailing Haunt...
- from Signage/wailing ('Graffiti')

Other than cut voiceover for Cabirus introducing them, and one piece of graffiti, nothing is known.