Update 20

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T-Shirt Contest[edit]

Feb 25 2015

Today we have added a new Add-On, one which a bunch of our backers have been requesting for a while now. An Underworld Ascendant T-Shirt!

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It has the Underworld Ascendant logo on the front. On the back we will put a slogan written by one of our fans. That slogan will be selected from fan submissions on our forum, found HERE. If you have an idea for a witty and appropriate slogan please post it by this weekend. The slogan we choose from the submission will be used for a limited run, only available to Kickstarter backers who choose this Add-On. Once the Kickstarter is over, we will continue making t-shirts, but never again with this slogan. Get yours before the run ends!

The writer of the chosen slogan will receive a free t-shirt, and the hearty thanks of the entire Underworld Ascendant community.

Other Announcements[edit]

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We’ve got a sweet new digital Reward, the Lyrical Lute, which we’re giving all who pledge at the HERO or above tier. It plays a lively tune when strummed, which even in the darkest depths of the Abyss will raise your spirits!


And who is the composer of this tune? None other than David Govett, who wrote melodies for the original Ultima Underworld, as well as Wing Commander and other classic games.

We are so close to starting in on our Stretch Goals we can taste it. Once we leap the $600,000 hurdle it will all be gravy. Right now we're looking for some extra mashed potatoes to push us over! So for those of you who have been considering stepping up to the Hero tier; it’s a great way to pass the potatoes.

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We want to remind everyone that later today we will be conducting our second OtherSide plays LookingGlass session on Twitch. We will be playing System Shock 2 with Tim, Chris and Paul and hosted by special guest Adam Sessler. Start time is 3pm EST. And don't worry, we've figured out how to plug in a microphone this time!


Ken Levine, a LookingGlass alum we’ve worked with, and creator of some games you might have heard of, like Bioshock Infinite, wrote a blog piece about breaking into the game business. He also shares some kind words about LookingGlass… “Without Looking Glass, without that motley crew of edge cases and outsiders, there is no Underworld, no System Shock, no Irrational Games and I’d venture no Deus Ex, no Stalker, no narrative first person shooters of any kind.”


An awesome new game arrived on the Kickstarter scene today, and it got us here at OtherSide crowing! Crowfall is an innovative take on the MMO genre by master creators Gordon Walton and J. Todd Coleman. With voxel-based technology and destructible environments, we can't wait to jump in for some explosive PvP action. Head over to their Kickstarter and give them a look!

Finally, we wanted to share a fan submission for Chattering Bart from TrenttheWanderer: “There comes a time to quit while you're a head – take it from me!” That one made us chuckle, and it’s on the short-list of candidates to be used in the game.

The Team at OtherSide

External Links[edit]