Update 46

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Underworld Ascendant Summer Digest[edit]

Aug 24 2015

Since the end of May we have been releasing periodic updates on the game via direct mailings to our backers. If you’re not signed up for these mailings you do can do so through this link, and get all the fun details on our progress. For those who are not signed up for these mailings, every couple of months we will plan to post a summary digest on our Kickstarter page. Below is the first of these digests, covering the summer.

Speaking of summer…

Summer 2015 xPromo.png

We have a special summer cross-promotion with Bard’s Tale 4 and Underworld Ascendant ongoing through September 23rd, where you can receive a $5 coupon for backing both games. Redeem your coupon or pledge now!

Also, this summer we reached the $900,000 Stretch Goal!!! We’re now going to localize the game in French, Italian, German and Spanish. Huge thanks to all our existing and new fans for the continued support. Next stretch goal up is the $950,000 Necropolis of the Ancients. We’re also adding a mini-goal at the $925,000 mark, the Wailing Haunt.

Summer Digest[edit]

PROGRESSION OF AN ART CONCEPT (posted May 29th, 2015)

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This week, Art Lead Dave Flamburis is going to take us through his process for creating concept art. Dave was tasked with concepting out how the natural caverns of the Underworld might be transformed into livable areas. Something the dwarves, elves or even some past race who existing in the Abyss might do.

Read the full update here!

WHAT’S IN A BIOME? (posted June 6th, 2015)

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We've already revealed that we plan for Underworld Ascendant to have a functioning ecological system and will be filled with flora and fauna that are established in defined predator/prey tiers, feeding on each other, migrating when food becomes scarce, and proliferating when food is in abundance. This system will be self-sustaining and perpetual.

Well, at least until the player shows up and starts messing with things.

Read more on Underworld ecology and the rest of the update!

ENTER THE LICH (posted June 12th, 2015)


Liches are one of the most feared adversaries one can encounter in the Underworld. Old, powerful and full of hate, liches were once powerful wizards who, in a desperate bid for immortality, sacrificed their souls to gain forbidden knowledge and eternal life as an undead necromancer. Forever damned, liches sit on their thrones of bone awaiting the time when their powers are strong enough for them to rise up and dominate the living.

Soon these terrible beings will be in the game. Have fun with that!

Read what else we’re adding the game, and other important news in rest of the update!

ANSWERS FROM THE ABYSS #2 (posted June 22nd, 2015)

This week we're going to once again address the overwhelming darkness of the Abyss with questions asked by our fans on the forum. What answers will echo up from the depths?

"We know creatures in the ecosystem are going to function within it (i.e food needs, survival, and whatnot). Will this affect NPC's in the factions as well? Can I go hunting with Lizardmen?" - SteveC

Yes, NPCs and factions will be positioned in the ecosystem alongside the flora and fauna. This means that NPCs and members of factions will have needs and desires that hinge on accessibility and conditions of the environment: access to food, protection from predators, warmth, and so forth.

Read the rest of the questions and answers in the full update!

NOT YOUR AVERAGE JOE (posted July 6th, 2015)


Hey, everyone. It's been a few months since I joined on as design director, so I thought I'd say hello, explain what I do around here, and hint obliquely at what's next for Underworld Ascendant.

Read more about Joe Fielder and rest of the update!


Update ShadowBeastAppear.jpg

The Shadow Beast. One of the more memorable terrifying moments from the original Ultima Underworld was the encounter with one of these horrifying beasts on level 7. But what were these creatures? Where have they been since then? Our esteemed producer Chris sat down with one of the shadow beasts that are finally making a triumphant return in Underworld Ascendant.

Producer Chris Siegel (CS): Hey thanks for spending a few minutes with me before getting to work in the new Abyss. What should I call you?

Shadow Beast (SB): Shadow Beast is fine. We don't like to reveal our real names to outsiders. This is why we always ask to get paid in cash, so we don't have to reveal our personal information to...you people.

Read the rest of the interview as well as the full update!

PILLARS AND PROTOTYPES (posted August 3rd, 2015)

Exciting times in the OtherSide dojo! We have been up to our ears in concept art, models, level design, and AI creatures running about. We are on the cusp of seeing our world come alive for the first time in the coming weeks.

We are currently midway into our first playable prototype. A playable prototype is small, working corner of the underworld. It includes everything from character movement, to the look of the place, to core systems. It is designed such that we can stop, take a look at it, test it out, and decide what works well and what not so much.

Read more on the prototype of the game as well as the rest of the update!

BREAKING FREE OF FANTASY TROPES (posted August 17th, 2015)

As we've mentioned in our previous update, the team at OtherSide has been feverishly working on our latest demo. While we'd love to give you peeks at all the recent progress, we'd rather hold off for a bit and until it's ready for the full reveal.

In the meantime, we thought we'd share further details on how we're approaching Underworld Ascendant's world building and story.

Read the full article from Joe, as well as the news about a new pledge tier level, the Wailing Haunt!

UA Haunt.png

The OtherSide Team

See Also[edit]

External Links[edit]